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Founded in 2009, Preserve, LLC’s focus is to enhance our world through the thoughtful adaptation and reuse of the existing built environment.

As historic preservation consultants Preserve, LLC’s primary role is to work with property owners, architects, engineers, construction managers, and general contractors on historic projects where knowledge of traditional materials and building systems is essential.  Preserve, LLC navigates the greater team through local, regional, and national review entities' processes such as the National Park Service Secretary of the Interior Standards and Historic Tax Credits including State and Federal (residential, income producing properties, non-historic pre-1936).


Preserve, LLC’s body of work experience adheres to the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Preservation, Restoration, or Rehabilitation as appropriate to the specific project requirements. 


We incorporate these specialties:

Building Forensics

why it has broken and how we will fix it..

  • Condition Assessments

  • Facade Inspections

  • Historic Structure Reports

  • Material Matching

  • Material Testing

  • Window Condition Surveys

Historic Documentation + Surveys

facts... we need facts..

  • Building History Research

  • Character Defining Features Inventories or Studies

  • Certificates of Appropriateness (COA’s)

  • Design Guidelines

  • State/National Register Determinations of Eligibility

  • State/National Register Nominations

  • Preservation Plans

  • Reconnaissance Surveys

Project Management + Design

it really is all in the details..

  • Period Design Consulting

  • Preservation Design/Master Planning

  • Project Cost Estimation

  • Project Management

  • Project Team Development

  • Restoration Treatment Techniques

  • Specifications (HPRES MasterSpec, etc.)

Historic Tax Credits + Incentives

a little money never hurt a project..

  • 20% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit for Historic, Income Producing Properties

  • State (various) Rehabilitation Tax Credit for Historic, Income Producing Properties

  • 25% State of Wisconsin Tax Credit for Non-Income Producing Personal Residences

  • Grant Applications and Administration

© 2017 Preserve, LLC  

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